Thursday, June 17, 2010

DOS MineSweeper with GUI

This DOS MineSweeper game using C graphics was developed by me in the year 2000 when I was doing my B.Tech 2nd year at Pondicherry Engineering College. It was the time when I had just started to learn C and C++.  I am sharing the code here without any modifications for people who are interested in learning graphics programming using C/C++. This application uses mouse interface and looks like a windows application when run(hoping so ;-) ). Since I was a newbie that time, I wrote this program in an adhoc way. But I recommend the beginners to organize their code in a much better way and add plenty of comments wherever possible.

Platform: MS DOS
Compiler: TURBO C++ 3.0

The entire code can be put in one single .cpp file. Should you require any help to compile this code and make it run, do not hesitate to drop me a message.

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